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United Charismatic Healing Ministry

Charismatic Healing


United Charismatic Healing Ministry

United Charismatic Healing Ministry (UCHM) is a fast growing church located in the heart of Edmond, Oklahoma. The church was founded by Pastor Edmund Cochrane and his wife, Pastor Mansa Cochrane in their living room, shortly after they moved to Oklahoma in 2000.

Church Activities

Stay upto date with our weekly activities, 

A Moment in His Presence

Come Worship with us

A Moment in His Presence

Here at UCHM!

Explore the heart of our Ministry

Let’s get started!

Children's Ministry
Building Project

Feast on the Truth!

A warm welcome to the teaching ministry of Pastor Edmund Cochrane.

Your Generosity is a Proof of your love.

We don’t take your generosity for granted.